Vitamins & Supplements For Nerves & Muscles

Vitamins & Supplements For: Nervous System Recovery

Overview: Our nervous system is composed of neurons (nerve cells), the brain, spinal cord, and interconnected to our musculoskeletal system. It is our core circuit center from which it works like a network with our brain to communicate with our body. Neurons role is to transmit messages to our brain. This results in how our nerve receptors under the skin receive sensations such as pain, temperature, touch, sweat, and motor ability of our limbs.  

Components of the Central Nervous System

  • The Brain
  • Spinal Cord
  • Neurons (Nerve Cells)
  • Nerve Fibers
  • Peripheral Nervous System

Nerves are specialized cells called neurons which transmit motor and sensory information back and forth between the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system then sends the messages and impulses to the brain. This controls everything from breathing, digestion, stress response, sweating, and even regulating the body’s blood flow and glands. 

The Types of Nerves:

Somatic: Carrying information from the skin, skeletal muscle and joints

Visceral sensory: From the Visceral Organs (Lungs &Kidneys)

Motor: Muscles, glands, cardiac, and general motor impulses.




In the event of a traumatic injury, your body may need more support for repair.

Here are our top choices, of essentials to supplement your dietary palate with.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known for immune support. It is also a great support in repairing damaged tissue and increasing collagen production.

Vitamin C Sources: Oranges, Grapefruit

Vitamin C deficiency signs: Anemia, delayed healing of wounds, poor immune function, dental problems

Vitamin D – Vitamin D is known for supporting bone health, but is also an underestimated powerhouse of a mineral. Vitamin D interacts with more than 30 tissues, and affects more than 1,000 genes in the body. The primary source of Vitamin D is sunshine exposure. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium. It is wise to often take a Vitamin D supplement that includes Vitamin K. They work together to ensure the calcium is properly transferred into the bones, and not the arteries.

Vitamin D Sources: Sunshine, Fatty Fish, Beef Liver, Eggs, Milk

Vitamin D deficiency signs: Muscle weakness, depression, poor immunity

Calcium – Calcium works synergistically with Vitamin D, and Magnesium. Calcium aids in nerve cell repair, nerve communication and blood circulation. Its role extends far beyond bone health and formation.

Calcium Sources: Milk, Cheese, Broccoli

Calcium deficiency signs: Tingling, Itching, High Blood Pressure

Magnesium – It is an essential mineral if not thee most essential mineral that the body needs to function. It assists with over three hundred enzymatic functions of the body from the central nervous system, and musculoskeletal system. It works in conjunction with other vitamins and minerals for your body to operate at its best. Being deficient in Magnesium has EVERYTHING to do with why your central nervous system is misfiring!

Magnesium Sources: Fermented (Probiotic) Yogurt, Bananas, Dark Cacao), Spinach, Epsom Salt

Magnesium deficiency signs: Insomnia, Muscle spasms/pain, anxiety/depression, Numbness and Tingling, Brain Fog

Alpha Lipoic Acid – The purpose of this is to detoxify damaged cells from inflammation. Inflammation is another root cause of disease, and hindrance of recovery. Alpha Lipoic Acid has high levels of antioxidants which work to detox the body’s cells from free radicals and prevent cell death and impairment. Free radicals come from toxins in our food, and environment which we’re exposed to daily. Too many free radicals can hinder our body’s ability to operate at its best, and interfere with recovery. Too many free radicals can also lead to disease.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Sources: Tomatoes, Spinach, Potatoes, Beets

Alpha Lipoic Acid deficiency signs: Seizures, Psychomotor issues, Stunted Muscular Growth

B – Vitamins – These vitamins fortify your nerve fibers. Special recognition is given to vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12. It is imperative to make sure your diet is rich in B-Vitamins as they integral to your nerve health.  B-Vitamins are also crucial for muscle development, support and growth. Although they only play one part, it is still significant enough that if the need is not met you will surely exhibit symptoms to know so. 

B-Vitamins Sources: Beef, Liver, Salmon, Flax Seeds,

B-Vitamin deficiency signs: Numbness, Tingling, Neuropathy

Alkaline Water – An abundance of alkaline water is also a plus and should be implemented into a daily routine. It is loaded with electrolytes and commonly includes some trace elements of magnesium, potassium, and salt. Drinking purified water is in the top ten of the lists, of proper nutrition and health. Alkaline is especially noted for getting your body out of an acidic state, into an alkaline one; decreasing chances for disease, inflammation and general illness. 


There are several variations of the form of these supplements of which each of these minerals come in all serving different purposes. Some of them are available in softgels, liquid, capsules, and tablets.

Conditions that can occur when our Nerves and Muskulosketal system are impaired

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is defined as a chronic debilitating pain, continuous beyond the healing of the wound, surgery, fracture, or abrasion and out of proportion of the injury. It is believed by industry experts to be linked to the nervous system.


Fibromyalgia – A central nervous system illness where the brain misinterprets sensory information as painful stimuli.


Muscle Dystrophy - The waste and locking of the muscle tissue, impairing mobility and functionality.


Anxiety – Anxiety is not normal to just have, and be in a constant state of. Anxiety can materialize in a number of ways, from frequent urination, nausea, and increased heart rate, an elevated state of anxiousness, hyperactivity, or lethargy.


Vagal Nerve Inequilibrium – Fight or flight response, Body’s response to stress and regulation, digestion breathing, involuntary functions.

People on certain diets such as keto, Atkins, vegan, and the like may also benefit from supplementation.

The Key Takeaway

Eat to live. While, supplements are great resources for support, whether it’s for immunity, or recovery they are not replacements for nutrition. Make your health your priority. Choose consciously to eat clean, nutrient dense meals. Be intentional about the quality of your intake. Be critical about what it is, what’s in it, where it comes from, and how your body reacts during and after the experience. Exercise is only one factor in health. The most integral is diet, and the quality of your diet.

In circumstances when your body is in need of support for recovery, repair, deficiency and immunity, choose premium supplements which have gone through processing, testing, and can be trusted to supplement your diet. Odoyo Premier is offering just that. Consult with your primary physician and review your current levels of supply prior to starting a new supplement. Discuss your goals and objectives, and make sure it’s in alignment with your current body’s condition and condition to-be.

This is a lot to take in. Most people have every intention on living healthy and giving their bodies’ adequate nutrition but, it’s not all that simple especially in figuring out what’s best for you and implementing that into your diet. Odoyo Premier makes the transition easy for you by having all the pertinent ingredients, already set-up complete with a guide to answer all of your questions and ensure your success along the way. You can get started by clicking here.


Amelie. (2021, October 26). Vitamins for muscles and nerves. Medicross Labs.

Hirsch, L. (Ed.). (2022, July). Nervous system (for parents) - nemours kidshealth. KidsHealth.

How vitamin D and Vitamin K2 work together: Betteryou. BetterYou USA. (n.d.).


LowDog, T. (n.d.). Vitamin D.  

Molly Smith DipCNM, mBANT. (2022, November 29). What is a nerve?. Kenhub.

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