Definition: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
is defined as – Pain disproportionate to the site of an injury. This is usually
related to fractures, sprains, and surgeries. It’s a rare, complex syndrome
that is poorly understood yet debilitating for the patients who are affected by
it. Industry experts believe that CRPS occurs as a result of dysfunction in
your central or peripheral nervous system. Your central nervous system consists
of your brain and spinal cord. Your peripheral nervous system relays
information from your brain and spinal cord to your organs, arms, legs, fingers
and toes. The abnormal functioning results in an overreaction to pain signals
that your nervous system can’t shut off.
When was your CRPS diagnosis?
CRPS was diagnosed as of 04/2022, although symptoms had been present since March of 2022.
Where is your CRPS?
The foot.
What type of CRPS did you have?
Type II: resulting from specific nerve damage
Stage II.
What did you take?
We took what is now known as Odoyo Premier, Nutritional Therapy I Regimen.
What separates this regimen from others?
It's regenerative, non-invasive, and available over the counter through our online store. This is a specially formulated, clinically-studied combination created with root-cause analysis to target one of the main hindrances of CRPS - being that of an unbalanced, central nervous system which has been tried and tested by a diagnosed patient with a verified type II, stage II of CRPS.
How long did you take this? **
This system was taken for about three months. For optimal results, it's recommended to follow the directions and take each product as directed. Finish the course all the way through. Severe cases of nerve-damage may require long-term use and additional rounds of the system.
** This is in reference to a newly diagnosed patient with CRPS, within or under one-year. Patients with CRPS diagnosis over one-year may require two- three rounds of the system's treatment and/or tailoring of the treatment plan.